Complete Coverage Options for Physical Damage in Car Insurance

A policyholder can opt for car insurance online based on requirements. This means that the policyholder can choose the most suitable type of policy that will be a potential financial backup in case of damages. By law, one needs to have a basic Third-party car insurance policy that does not cover the owned vehicle. This is obviously inadequate when physical damage to the car occurs. Thus, one should go for a physical damage car insurance cover for receiving more financial help in case of damage to the car.


  • What Is Physical Damage Coverage in Car Insurance:
  • What is Covered Under Physical Damage Cover?: 
  • Exclusions: What is Not Covered Under Physical Damage Cover?: 
  • Types of Physical Damage Coverage: 
    • Comprehensive cover
    • Collision Cover
    • Differences between Comprehensive Cover and Collision Cover:
  • What is the Need to Opt For a Physical Damage Cover?
  • Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Physical Damage Coverage in Car Insurance:

Physical damage or damage insurance refers to a car insurance policy that covers damage to the insured vehicle by providing financial help to the policyholder in case of damage to the insured car. This is a type of an extensive motor insurance policy as compared to the basic Third-party Insurance cover. A third-party cover only pays when the insured car causes harm to other people or their property. 

On the other hand Physical damage cover not only covers the insured car but a policyholder can also buy additional coverages like Zero Depreciation, Roadside assistance, Return to Invoice cove, etc. Additional coverages help in getting an adequate car insurance cover. It helps gain financial insulation against unfortunate events, for example accidents. This type of policy is extensive in nature as compared to basic Third-party Liability cover.

Physical damage insurance is similar to the own damage component of a comprehensive car insurance policy. Physical damage offers coverage against various incidents like damage to the insured car like natural calamities, vandalism, theft, fire, etc. 

What is Covered Under Physical Damage Cover?: 

The coverages of a Physical damage insurance policy are situations in which the policyholder can raise a claim. These are also called “inclusions” of the car insurance policy. Here is a list of coverages of a Physical Damage cover:

  1. Theft: Car theft will be covered under physical damage insurance.
  2. Damage due to natural calamities: Natural calamities like earthquakes, floods, hailstorms, cyclones, etc. are covered. 
  3. Damage due to man-made calamities: Man-made calamities like riots, vandalism, strikes, etc. are covered.
  4. Accidental Damage: Damages arising out of an accident are covered.
  5. Fire damage: Damage to the insured car due to fire, explosion, self-ignition, etc. is covered under physical damage.
  6. Animal attack: Damage to the car from an animal attack is covered.
  7. Damage when in transit: Insurance is offered for damages occurred when the car is in transit via Railways, Airways, Roadways, or an Elevator.
  8. Damage caused by a terrorist attack.

Don’t drive Uninsured

Car insurance

Exclusions: What is Not Covered Under Physical Damage Cover?: 

Exclusions are situations that are excluded from an insurance policy. During these, a policyholder cannot claim against the physical damage car insurance policy. Here is a list:

  1. Damage caused when driving in an intoxicated state.
  2. Damage due to carelessness.
  3. Consequential loss i.e., additional damage caused while trying to drive a damaged car.
  4. Damage caused when the car is used in illegal or criminal activity.
  5. Damage to the car when driving without valid documents.
  6. Electrical or mechanical damage.
  7. Regular wear and tear.
  8. Damage occurred outside the geographical limits of the country.
  9. Depreciation suffered by the vehicle unless covered under the Zero Depreciation Add-on.
  10. Damage occurred when the car was being used for a purpose other than what it is meant to be used for.
  11. Damage due to a war-like situation.

Types of Physical Damage Coverage: 

A Physical damage cover can be of different types depending upon the coverage it offers. This coverage can be chosen willingly by the car owner and is not mandatory by law. However, buying the Physical Damage cover ensures that maximum financial protection can be availed under a car insurance policy. A physical damage cover can be of the following types:

Comprehensive cover

This is probably the most extensive coverage available under car insurance. A policyholder that chooses a Comprehensive insurance policy can even customise the policy to an extent. This type of Physical damage cover includes injuries or damage to third-party property or person, own damage i.e. physical damage to the insured car due to a number of reason, and an option to purchase useful add-ons like:

  • Zero Depreciation
  • Roadside Assistance
  • Engine protection
  • NCB protect
  • Accessories cover
  • Return to Invoice

Collision Cover

A collision cover offers financial coverage against the damages caused by an accident, more specifically due to a collision. Here are a few examples:

  • A car getting out of control and hitting a poll.
  • A car colliding with another vehicle during an accident.
  • Hitting an animal.
  • Colliding with a tree or a wall.
  • Etcetera

Differences between Comprehensive Cover and Collision Cover:

These two are types of Physical Damage cover that a policyholder can buy if he/she wishes to get financial coverage against physical damage to the car. Both types offer different coverage benefits and are useful in various situations. Choosing the best-suited one for yourself can depend upon your driving habits and car usage. Here are the major differences between Collision and Comprehensive covers:

FeaturesComprehensive CoverCollision Cover
Third-party Car insuranceIncludes Third-party liabilities coverThird-party Liability cover is excluded
Own Damage CoverPhysical Damages to the car are covered under various circumstancesPhysical Damages to the car are covered only in case of collision
TheftTheft of the car is coveredTheft or burglary is not covered
Personal Accident CoverA personal accident cover of Rs. 15 Lakh is includedDoes not include a Personal Accident Cover
CustomizationsCan be customized with add-ons such as Zero Depreciation or Roadside AssistanceSome insurance companies may allow customizing a collision cover with a fire and theft policy
Fire damageDamage due to fire is coveredDamage due to fire can be covered with an additional coverage option

Also, read: Own Damage Insurance Vs Zero Depreciation

What is the Need to Opt For a Physical Damage Cover?

A physical damage car insurance cover acts as a financial safety net for carrying out repairs when the car is damaged. One does not need to delay repairs due to a financial crisis as the insurance company will pay the major part of the repair bill. The following reasons highlight the need for buying a physical damage car insurance cover:

  1. The insurance company will pay a lump sum amount if the car gets stolen.
  2. You can get a car loan when you have a valid car insurance policy in place.
  3. India has witnessed a number of natural calamities where property damage has occurred. The cost of such repairs or total loss is paid by the insurer.
  4. You don’t have to worry about the repair cost when your car catches fire due to various reasons like an explosion, lightning strike, self-ignitions, etc. 
  5. Damage from an animal attack can be repaired with the help of insurance.
  6. Malicious acts like riots, vandalism, etc. would virtually have no effect on your car with insurance. 
  7. You can get the car transported from one place to another and not worry about damage while it is in transit.
  8. You can get peace of mind when you are assured that the insurance company has your back.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does physical damage insurance for semi trucks include?


A commercial vehicle like a semi truck can be covered under a commercial Physical damage insurance policy and it includes the following situations:

  • Theft: Vehicle theft i.e the policyholder will get a lump sum if the semi truck gets stolen.
  • Natural calamities: When damage occurs due to natural calamities like earthquakes, floods, hailstorms, cyclones, etc. it will be covered under insurance.
  • Accidental Damage: Damages to the semi truck due to an accident are covered.
  • Man-made calamities: When damage occurs due to man-made calamities like riots, vandalism, strikes, etc. it will be covered under physical damage cover.
  • Fire damage: Damage to semi truck due to fire, explosion, self-ignition, etc. is covered under automobile physical damage insurance.
  • Animal attack: Dents or other damages to the semi truck from an animal is covered.
  • Damage when in transit: Insurance is offered for damages occurred when the semi truck is in transit via Railways, Airways, Roadways, or an Elevator.
  • Terrorism: Damage to the semi truck due to terrorist activity is covered.

2. What is the physical damage coverage definition in car insurance?


3. What does physical damage insurance cover?


4. Are dents on a car’s body covered under physical damage insurance?


5. Which vehicles can be covered under a commercial physical damage insurance?


6. Which factors determine the cost of a physical damage cover?


7. Who should buy a physical damage insurance cover?


8. What is meant by damage insurance?


9. What is the process for raising a physical damage claim?


10. What is the difference between physical damage and collision cover?

Disclaimer: The content on this page is generic and shared only for informational and explanatory purposes. It is based on industry experience and several secondary sources on the internet; and is subject to changes. Please go through the applicable policy wordings for updated content and before making any insurance-related decisions.

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